Friday, January 4, 2013

Origins (Spinward Fringe) by Randolph LaLonde

Origins (Spinward Fringe) is a science fiction story set in the Milky Way galaxy in the distant future (I estimate 500-2000 years in the future).  It was originally written as three novellas (Freeground, Limbo & Starfee Port) and comprised the First Light Chronicles.  It is the story of a starship crew on a secret intelligence mission to go into the galaxy and collect, purchase, or steal advanced technology.  They also have an added mission of forging alliances with helpful governments if the occasion presents itself.

The liked the perspective used by the author.  The story is written in first person and this gives the feeling of being in the main character's shoes.  The story is set in a galaxy where corporations are the main forms of government.  The corporations own planets, solar systems, and entire sectors of space.  The story provides an example of corporate evolution and some of the problems posed through entities controlling large areas of space with profit as the main driver for decisions.  I really enjoyed this viewpoint and I liked the challenges this caused for our protagonists.  The story was full of action and the opening of the story brought us into the action from the very beginning.  Additionally, the story was full of suspense.  I generally knew that the story would continue because there was more book to read, but it had enough twists to keep me guessing how it would continue.  I loved the characters; I sympathized with the protagonists during their difficulties and hated the antagonists as they set about trying to harm the heroes.  I also enjoyed the difficult decisions and follow on actions taken by the heroes to get out of difficult predicaments. 

One reason I like reading science fiction is author descriptions of how technology works.  The description of technology was cursory, but sufficient to understand its purpose and use.  The author placed more emphasis on the development of characters and scenes over the description of technology.

This is one of my favorite books.  It brought me to one of my favorite series - the Spinward Fringe series.  I purchased this book from for $0.00 and this is the current price.  You can also get this book and other books from this author on listed as Spinward Fringe Broadcast 0: Origins.  I fully recommend this title and its sequels.

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